A family who longed for nature and dreamed of beauty

Le Peaches & Cream is dedicated to hosting events that reflect your taste and style, creating unique experiences every time.

Photo credit: @roblloyd

Our mission

Le Peaches & Cream is a dynamic team of young entrepreneurs passionate about creating unique weddings that are both modern and personalized. Our mission is to turn your dreams into reality by offering you chic wedding concepts, tailor-made to reflect your style and values. Each member of our team brings a touch of freshness and innovation, making it a point of honor to adapt to your taste so that your day is as exceptional as you imagined it. With Peaches & Cream, experience a wedding that is authentic, elegant, and effortlessly of the moment.

Our team is dedicated to hosting tailor-made events, meeting the expectations of our guests and offering personalized experiences at every occasion.

A team devoted to creating an event that’s truly you.

Photo credit: @joelandjustyna

It's the story of a family in love with nature, a beautiful land and two sisters who love beauty, fun and lightness.
Two sisters, a boyfriend, a father and a mother.

Weddings are always moments of joy, and that’s what won us over : the happiness of some brings happiness to all. We never feel as though we are working, but rather contributing to the creation of joyful memories.